Circular fashion project


Sita Murt/, along with 6 other companies associated with the Catalan Fashion Cluster (Modacc) will begin training to include secondary material in their new collections.

The main objective of the project is to introduce eco-design into the daily practices of design teams to obtain products made with secondary textile material of sufficient quality to be introduced to the market. For this reason, a team of experts will advise and accompany the participating brands to carry out a diagnosis of the products likely to incorporate secondary raw material obtained from clothing collected in containers. To replace the virgin material they currently use and work on the most appropriate strategies depending on each product to be developed.

Thanks to this initiative, Sita Murt/ will begin a process of collecting post-consumer clothing at its points of sale, which will be used in these new design processes, called "Take Back".

The aim of this project is to categorize, standardize and homogenize the industrialization process of post-consumer textile recycling throughout the entire chain, integrating all phases and actors in order to allow a significant, constant and recurring flow of secondary raw material, allowing a minimum of 100,000 garments to be placed on the consumer market after two years of the project execution.

The incorporation of these changes will allow brands not only to position themselves in terms of circularity, but also to adapt their design, industrial and commercial management processes to the new legislative requirements linked to Extended Producer Responsibility, the Ecodesign Directive and the Green Claim.

This initiative, which will end in December 2025, will promote the development of the textile use-consumer value chain as a secondary raw material for the fashion industry in Catalonia.

This project has been generated within the framework of the Circular Fashion Pact in Catalonia, which aims to join and coordinate the efforts of all actors in the textile value chain to respond jointly and effectively to the challenges of the sector, establishing common objectives and generating instruments that make the transformation towards a circular model possible.